Ini merupakan zonamu untuk bermain game online gratis! Bermain game termasuk game Friv, game olahraga, game aksi, dan lebih banyak lagi di Apr 03, 2019 Game Zumbla Classic ini memiliki warna lebih cerah dari game zuma pada poin pertama, namun masih satu jenis di mana karakter utama berupa kodok yang menembakkan bola berwarna ke arah bola-bola yang sedang berjalan di lintasan game. Di game ini terdapat 10 level yang harus kamu selesaikan untuk menjadi seorang pemenang atau pemecah score terbaik. Jul 12, 2017 Download Game Zuma Deluxe Full Version Gratis Terbaru Untuk PC/Laptop - Permainan zuma deluxe ini merupakan permainan yang dikhususkan pada teka-teki dan strategi yang dimainkan pada Komputer dan Laptop. Tapi meskipun begitu, game zuma deluxe untuk android pun sudah bisa dimainkan yang bisa kalian download di playstore.
Zuma Deluxe is a good old online game that has its origins in 2003.
The meaning of the game is to prevent the penetration of balls of different colors into the Gold skull. These balls are steadily moving in its direction along a spiral trajectory. The balls are destroyed by other balls of different colors that are emitted from the Frog, located in the central part of the playing field. Thus, to attack you need to shoot the ball of the same color into the group of at least two same colored balls. Otherwise, the impact ball is stuck in a spiral. During the game you need to destroy as many balls as possible, to collect the maximum of gold coins and various bonuses, and, of course, to prevent the penetration of the balls into the skull.

Permainan Game Zuma Kodok Online
Zuma Deluxe belongs to the family of casual games for a wide range of users.The Frog is, in fact, the main hero of the game. Thanks to your efforts it accurately attacks the groups of moving balls.
Permainan Game Zuma Kodok 1
The game has many levels. Each of them is given specific time.